Night Guards

Night Guards Here In Stouffville

Bruxism is a condition where patients involuntarily grind or clench their teeth, which can lead to various dental issues, including tooth wear, fractures, and jaw pain. A night guard, also known as an occlusal splint, is often prescribed to protect the teeth from the damaging effects of bruxism, especially during sleep when patients are unaware of the grinding or clenching.

Night guards help by:

  1. Creating a Barrier: They provide a protective layer between the upper and lower teeth, preventing direct contact and reducing the risk of tooth damage.
  2. Distributing Pressure: They help in evenly distributing the pressure exerted by clenching or grinding, which can alleviate stress on the teeth and jaw.
  3. Reducing Jaw Muscle Activity: By altering the position of the jaw, night guards can reduce the intensity of muscle activity, which can minimize jaw pain and discomfort.

Custom-fitted night guards are usually recommended as they provide a better fit and more effective protection compared to over-the-counter options.

Siva learning about the benefits of a nightguard from Dr. Ali

There are different types of night guards available, so you should be aware of the considerations when selecting the best option for you. Look into factors such as the severity of your symptoms, how it is affecting your bite, teeth, jaw joints and the materials from which the night guard is made. However, it’s best to consult with Dr. Ali about which option would work best for you.

Custom-made night guards that are offered here at Stouffville Family Dentistry are the best option, as they are produced in a professional laboratory, tailored fit for the needs of each patient with the use of an impression of your mouth, therefore providing more comfort, durability and protection.

If you would like more information about custom night guards and the benefits of utilizing a night guard, speak with Dr. Ali!

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