
Dental Sealants in Stouffville

Here in Stouffville, Dr. Ali highly recommends dental sealants for children. A dental sealant is a thin, protective coating that shields the chewing surfaces of your teeth from harmful, cavity-causing bacteria. Dr. Ali, or one of our experienced dental hygienists may place the sealants as part of your preventive dental treatment plan.

Dr. Ali will usually recommend placing sealants on the chewing surfaces of your back teeth which often have deep pits and grooves where food and bacteria become trapped. Sealants are one of the most common preventive dentistry treatments performed today.

What are dental sealants?

Sealants are thin, liquid coatings painted onto the chewing surfaces of your back teeth (premolars and molars). Once applied, Dr. Ali cures and hardens the sealant material to shield and protect your teeth from harmful cavity-causing bacteria. Sealants coat these areas so bacteria can’t reach them.

What are dental sealants made of?

Sealants are usually made of medical-grade resins and is BPA free.

Who needs dental sealants?

Children and teenagers are popular candidates for dental sealants, however, adults without decay or dental fillings in their molars can also benefit from this treatment. In general, anyone who’s prone to tooth decay on their back teeth should consider sealants.

Typically, children should get sealants on their permanent molars as soon as these teeth come in. This way, the dental sealants can protect their teeth through the cavity-prone years, ages 6 through 14.

Do we have to prepare for sealants?

There’s nothing you need to do to prepare for dental sealants. Dr. Ali or one of our Stouffville Family Dentistry hygienists will place them during a routine office visit.

Before they apply the sealants, they’ll thoroughly clean your teeth. This helps prevent bacteria from becoming trapped between the sealant material and your tooth surfaces. Applying dental sealants is a simple and painless process. It only takes a few minutes for Dr. Ali or one of our Stouffville Family Dentistry hygienists to apply the sealant to each tooth.

What are the benefits of dental sealants?

While diligent oral hygiene removes plaque, food and debris from your teeth’s smooth surfaces, brushing and flossing can’t always get into all of the deep fissures in the grooves of the back teeth. Sealants shield these vulnerable areas from cavities by “sealing out” bacteria, plaque, and food particles thereby significantly reducing your risk for cavities and giving you the best chance for healthy teeth and gums.

In most cases, the pros of dental sealants outweigh the cons. However:

  • Sealants only last about five years, which may be enough time for some kids to develop better brushing techniques
  • Dental sealants cannot be placed on teeth that have existing decay or dental fillings.

When can my child eat or drink after treatment?

You can resume normal eating and drinking right after your appointment. However, it’s important to know that extremely hard, sticky, or chewy foods can chip or erode your new sealants. It’s best to consume these foods in moderation.

If you have any questions about Dental Sealants, please speak with Dr. Ali, or one of our dental hygienists at your next appointment!

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